As of May 24th, I am 29 years old. Can you believe it?? I think Kassie was the most excited for my birthday because she loves cake. She knows if there's a birthday, there has to be cake!!
Lee won a gift card to P.F. Changs so we went there for lunch. After we got back, Kassie and Lee made a cake.

(Katherine made a deal with me that she would make smoothies if I finished this post so here goes) Kassie was also excited about the present that she helped pick out. (she actually spent the entire present expedition asking for 'a tiny purse just [her] size'. There is also another theme represented in these pictures. Anyone with a one-year-old boy will most likely spot it immediately. (Notice what Tommy is doing in the first few pictures with the objects he is holding??)

Yum . . . tastes . . . fuzzy!?

Katherine poses with her new posh purse, (Lee is such an outstanding husband, and has good taste to boot!)

Of course Tommy and Kassie wanted to ride the cement horse in the background. Both were well behaved during our time at the restaurant though which was refreshing albeit unexpected.

Tommy decided that he would cry during Katherine's birthday picture if he was denied his fuzz and rubber snack.

As you can tell Tommy really thinks fire is exciting, don't we all?