Yes, honey that means you! I know it can get a little lonely in Indy without us there to wake you up after being on call so, here are a few pictures of what we've been up to.

Dinner at the Heck's house with James my brother, his wife Jennifer and their little girl Lillie.

Cousin Lillie couldn't resist laying a big one on Tommy.
Tommy and Lillie were two peas in a pod. Tommy with one shoe and Lillie in her cute shirt.
No matter where Kassie is, she always wants to play dress up!
We went to James and Jennifer's for dinner.
Tommy's got some serious cheeks going on lately. I just want to kiss them!

Kassie did not want to be in the picture. I can't remember why, oh well!

Learning from an expert at Hawley Lake in AZ! Yeah right!

See those clouds in the background??? Well, 15 min later we were all sitting in the truck.

Kassie has the evidence on her lips of what we made after we got back from the lake.
Miss you!!