We told the kids they could have a choice between the Circus or an Indiana Pacers game. Tommy didn't have to think twice. He chose the basketball game hands down! Kassie on the other hand, had a very hard time deciding. In fact, she shed a few tears because she "just couldn't decide". However, it turned into a teaching moment, where we talked about how to make decisions.
We bought Family Night Tickets where you get a free hot dog, a bag a chips, a small drink, and a t-shirt. Oh, and we got a babysitter for Samantha because the game started at 7 p.m.
Here's how the night went.......
We get to the stadium parking structure and didn't have any cash. So we had to drive around until we found an ATM. Luckily it wasn't too far. But meanwhile, Kassie thinks it's the end of the world because we got there and had to leave. She quickly realized that we were going back and stopped whining. The kids were super excited about the outing with just the "big kids". When we got there and found our seats, we were pleasantly surprised that we could actually SEE the court!!! We ate our smashed hot dogs that were swimming in ketchup and mustard and got greasy fingers from our chips. The kids even got to drink an entire small Sprite all by themselves but without a consequence though. Kassie literally had to pee 6 times and Tommy twice! But hey, it's family fun night! They got to scream "GO PACERS" until they were red in the face.

(I'm really not trying to choke Tommy in this picture! I may have wanted to today at church when he was being so
naughty during Sacrament meeting due to the lack of sleep because he didn't go to bed until 10 pm! Don't worry! I don't think of choking my kids!)

You know you need to bring binoculars when you sit in the "nose bleeds".