When we arrived in Rochester, it was pouring rain, not just a simple and calm rain but a torrential downpour! Let's just say we didn't start off on the right foot and the rain was the least of our worries. When we finally made it to the house, we were welcomed by a house that was beat up and dirty. The tenants who lived here before us, unfortunately didn't take care of it. The bathrooms were scary and there was trash and random stuff left in the kitchen cabinets and drawers. I think I may have had a mini freak out! I kept thinking about our house in Indy that was so clean and I kept picturing Jacqueline scrubbing my floors. At one point between unpacking the cars and checking out the house, I was greeted by a new friend in the grass, Mr. Snake. Wasn't that nice! We finished unpacking the cars and headed out to find a spot to eat dinner. We ended up at Applebee's and I think I almost had another mini freak out because Applebee's cleanliness was less than ideal. I was really trying hard not to say, let's pack up and move back to Indy.
Because of the 4th of July holiday, we were without our truck for four days. It was ok. I expected it, and packed church clothes and extra things just in case. It worked out because the carpet needed to be replaced and obviously replacing carpet in an empty house is much easier. Six Elders from the ward showed up on Monday and helped unpack, which happened to be the day the carpet was being installed. The Elders were so helpful and stuck around to help move the heavy stuff once the carpet was in.
One good thing about the house, is the backyard. It's huge! The kids were in heaven. Once all of the weeds were cleared out underneath the playset, the kids were good to go.
Things started to get better. Merry Maids came and cleaned the bathrooms, both Lee and I worked really hard to wipe out the kitchen cabinets, the carpet was new and clean, we started to unpack and put things away. Maybe Rochester will be ok!