My friend Emily and I were nursery buddies at church for the entire year we were in Rochester. One Sunday, she came in and asked if I wanted to train for a half marathon with her. Believe it or not but I felt a twinge of excitement when she asked. I needed a goal. I needed something to work towards to get me though the last year of Lee's training and to get me through the cold and dark WINTER. The training program eases you into it and by the end you are up to 10 miles. When I ran my first 3 miles, it felt so rewarding. It was huge accomplishment. My legs were like jello and I was pretty tired afterward. Emily and I trained during the winter so a lot of our runs were in the cold damp weather and often times there was snow on the ground. One Saturday we were scheduled to run 6 miles together. The weather was bitter cold that day because of the wind chill and I was hoping Emily would opt out of running outside and go to the Y. (Let me just explain, Emily loves the cold weather and thinks it's the best time to run. I also need to add that she's a fast runner) Luckily for me, we ended up at the Y. At the end of March Emily and I ran a super fast 6 miler done by the hospital and I tell you what, my stomach was sick for an entire day after that. Another big marker was mile 9. Wow that was tough! It actually was a sunny day and much hotter than we were used to. I struggled but made it. Mile 10, I ran with Jenna and that wasn't bad. I felt ready. What's 3 more miles, right?!
The race was in Buffalo, so we woke up early and drove two hours. When we got there, it was drizzling and cold. We had matching hats and shirts. Emily found our shirts. They had running shoes shaped as a heart on them. We both started out strong. Emily was awesome. She stuck with me the entire race. The last three miles, I thought I was going to die. I had to go to the bathroom in more than one way and my stomach was hurting and that's putting it lightly. I honestly still have nightmarish thoughts about those last three miles. I kept saying to myself that I would never do this again. We made it! We crossed the finishing line together and Emily grabbed my hand and raised our arms up. It was an awesome feeling. I accomplished my goal. It was something I wanted to do after what happened with JD's birth. I feel pretty awesome, now that I can say I ran a half marathon.