Simple Solutions
Pretty in Pink Striking a Pose
It's amazing what a little conditioner can do along with a pair of scissors!!
P.S. It was not the easiest thing to accomplish but nothing like popping in a Veggie Tale movie to help a 2 year old sit still!
Yeah, what the doctor said to do about bedtime hasn't exactly worked for these two munchkins (not now anyway). So, our simple solution was to put Kassie to bed at 7 (without a nap) and then put Tommy down around 9 once she's asleep. Things are going ok so far.
I love her haircut! What a cutie! Tommy is looking so much older!
You know me, always giving my two cents :o) Hope it's OK if I expound...
I just think it's too much to expect a 2-month old to do anything on a regular basis. Give him till at least 4 months and then try again. Are you totally against having him in your room till then? You might have more success later.
Is it killing you to not have Kassie nap? That was my only time alone when the boys were really little. A great book to check out for sleeping help is "Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child"--maybe you've already read it. But, as always, you do whatever you feel is right... As my father-in-law says, take free advice for what it's worth!
Good luck--getting your babies to sleep is SUCH a tough job :o)
I love Cassie's new haircut!! So pretty!!
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