My Babies
Look at these two! How can I not be grateful to have such beautiful babies!! I am a lucky mom!
We've made it two weeks with Lee gone and only one more to go. There have been good days and not so good days but we're doing pretty well. At the end of each day, I think to myself that I can do this!
I may have told Lee today that I only want two children but I'm sure I'll eventually change my mind, in about three years.
Kassie is laughing so hard at herself now that she sees how silly she looks.
She is trying to put on her pajamas on her own.
thank you for these very good pictures, but where is the one of you banging your head against the wall in frustration?
Love the first pic. May I have it as an attachment?
Kassie looks hysterically funny...almost like the grocery cart one.
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