Tonight I am taking a break from painting and trying to finish my book, Breaking Dawn to catch up on what's been going on here in Indy. First of all I survived the four hour plane ride back from Arizona even with an hour "maintenance delay" before we even took off. I did have to resort to letting the kids play with my makeup the last hour of the flight but that's ok. My thoughts at the time were, "I am really desperate to let them do this!". I know what you are thinking.... what a mess but luckily I'm not into the bright and crazy eyeshadow colors.
While we were in AZ, Kassie and Tommy were able to play with their cousins. Kassie fits right in and they play like she's always been there with them. When the kids are together, all 25 of I mean all 8 of them--it just seems like 25 because of all the craziness, they love to play dress up.

Baby Marcus is the only cousin missing in this picture. You can barley see Jared over there on the left. It's hard to get a picture of them all together.

Kassie had a blast slippin' and a slidin' with Mimi. Kassie was really into wearing Mimi's clothes. Both of them would change their clothes about three times day. Wait, what does this mean when they are teenagers? They better start learning to do their own laundry soon!

Tommy's pal was his cousin Lillie. They're pretty close in age so they basically would hang together and "play around" each other.

My mom would read to Kassie every night. Kassie loves to be read to and jumps at any chance she can get when someone is willing to read to her.

This is my Aunt Linda, my dad's sister and my Uncle George. They were at the cabin visiting from Sparks, Nevada while we were there. My aunt made Kassie and Tommy superhero capes.

Here is Tommy finally deciding to eat something. He does this thing where he turns up his nose and says NNNNNOOO when he's offered food. Sinker!

Last time we visited the cabin it was Kassie's birthday, so she really wanted to have another birthday while we were there. Grandma came to the rescue and said we should have an unbirthday party. The kids had ice cream with a candle in it and we sang the birthday song.

We love visiting family and we were glad we went.
Goll-ey... It was great to see all my family and see the "good old" house at 6137. I miss you all and love your blog. will check it when ever it can, which is weekly, because, the internet is easy to check. Well, love you and will talk to you soon.
-Love, Uncle Johnny
Glad to see a new post. I was wondering what happened to you! Just having so much fun right?! Being with family is the best. Glad you had such a great trip. Isn't makeup magic? It keeps Ashley entertained while I get ready. She has her own. Whatever works right!
We loved the pics! We had such a wonderful time together!
Your house looks fantastic!!!
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