Pumpkin Patch
Lee was able to take Kassie on her field trip to Beasley's Pumpkin Patch. Her preschool goes there every year and everyone loves it. When you arrive all the kids line up with the adults to get on the hay ride which is actually a trailer covered with straw. Lee said he hopped off the trailer for two seconds to let one mom off and to his surprise, his seat was taken when he got back on, so Kassie didn't get to ride with him on the way to the patch. Oh, and the adults have to make sure to sit on the edge to make sure no one falls off. So, I'm glad Kassie didn't fall off with out Lee there. I guess the seats on the hay ride/trailer are a hot commodity. Then when you get to the pumpkin patch the kids pick out a small pumpkin of their choice.
Fun times. Nothing better than a pumpkin patch. I loved what you wrote about children singing primary songs. It really is touching. MMF's program is coming up. She's been practicing all her songs extra hard.
How special to have dad go with her--very fun that Lee could go on the field trip!!
stealing the camera shot is hilarious!
Love the volleyball reference on her sweatshirt. My how they've changed the rules since we were kids. My little sister is the labreo (sp) on her team. She's been on Varsity since 8th grade! OMG!
You guys have been busy! What's up with the giant monkeys? It's a good thing you had your camera ready.
And does Lee still have it?
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