Every year while living in Ohio, we would visit my aunt and uncle in Canton, Ohio for Thanksgiving. My aunt would always cook at 26 pound turkey and we would stay up late to make our Christmas cards together. It was a little sad not to visit them this year but we have made some amazing friends here in Indianapolis.
So, our first Thanksgiving here in Indy, was spent with our friends the
Clarkes. They have a boy who is in first grade and a little girl who is in Kassie's mom's-group preschool. We ate lots and lots of good food and the kids had lots and lots of fun playing together.

Tommy made a new buddy.
Pre-dinner festivities...dinosaur

It's easy to get four kids to sit for a picture when you ask them to make funny faces.

Kassie wasn't a happy camper when it was time to leave.
Look like fun!
Ah-ha-ha-ha...Kassie's face is so funny in the last picture.
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