Tommy Turned Two
A week before his birthday, I asked Tommy what kind of cake he wanted and he requested a "car cake". I think he was inspired by the car cake at the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet we attended. So, I did my best to come up with a car cake.
- He has really cute chubby cheeks.
- He likes to make people laugh.
- He loves his pass, blankie, and milk.
- He wants to run around naked and yell, "I'm a naked!!"
- He enjoys the "No David" books.
- He hits when he's mad.
- He is really good at saying sorry.
- He likes to run and jump.
- He is very affectionate.
- He loves to throw, kick, bounce, dribble and hit balls.
- He wants to do exactly what Kassie does.
- He like the songs, "The Boys Are Back" and "Baby, Bye, Bye, Bye"
- He makes funny expressions when he talks.
- He talks a lot.
- He likes to torment his sister he calls Kass.
- He is a good boy.
great job on the cake!
are you watching Survivor this season. We are really enjoying it.
Can't wait to see you!
I love Tommy in his sweater--such a stud! The third photo totally looks like Lee. I laughed at him running around naked yelling "I'm naked." Fun cake!
Happy Birthday Tommy. What a sweetie. I can't believe he is two. Looks like he enjoyed his day! Hope you guys are doing great!
Happy Birthday, Tommy. I know it's crazy, but I love two. They seem so much easier and human. Hope you enjoy it, too.
I love the cake.
I cant believe he is already 2! Its seems like yesterday you were preggers with him. What cute kiddos you have tho. Your cake turned out way cute too!
Yay Tommy! Happy birthday, Little Dude! And so you know, "The Boys Are Back" is one of Amelia and Dylan's favortie songs as well.
(What would we do without High School Musical? Sing and dance in the kitchen a lot less I suppose.)
That is awesome!! He still looks like me. Love you all!!
Yay! I can't believe he's already 2!
Hard to believe he is 2 already! Love the cake!
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