What's this, a post??? I know, I know, I am a slacker about posting. I feel out of practice with this blogging thing. We've had a lot going on so I better give everyone an update.
First and formost, Tommy has been pacifier free for a month. Can you believe it!! It was quick and semi-painful for the Richardson family, but we made it! Go Tommy!
Also, Lee and I have been trying so hard to get our grass looking decent. I hate to admit this but, our grass is full of so many weeds. The sad thing is, a man from a grass company knocked on our door and told me our lawn looks horrible and asked if we wanted help, for just a "very low" payment of $40 seven times a year. I told him thank you, but no thank you. I did pull about thirty weeds that same day to make an effort in "saving" our lawn in honor of the grass guy but it didn't even make a dent. Our expert lawn friends did give us a special spray we just put on, so wish us luck!

For Easter we did the traditional stuff, dying eggs, Easter baskets, and Easter dinner with friends.

The night before Easter Tommy, was sick. He threw up all night. Poor Guy! He was fine the next morning and was excited to participate in the Easter festivities.

Kassie looked as cute as ever in her new dress.

Our friends the
Barnhills joined us for dinner. They were my guinea pigs for my first turkey dinner. The turkey was a little dry and the stuffing was a little too flavorful but that's
ok. A little gravy can always help.