Easter 2009
What's this, a post??? I know, I know, I am a slacker about posting. I feel out of practice with this blogging thing. We've had a lot going on so I better give everyone an update.
First and formost, Tommy has been pacifier free for a month. Can you believe it!! It was quick and semi-painful for the Richardson family, but we made it! Go Tommy!
Also, Lee and I have been trying so hard to get our grass looking decent. I hate to admit this but, our grass is full of so many weeds. The sad thing is, a man from a grass company knocked on our door and told me our lawn looks horrible and asked if we wanted help, for just a "very low" payment of $40 seven times a year. I told him thank you, but no thank you. I did pull about thirty weeds that same day to make an effort in "saving" our lawn in honor of the grass guy but it didn't even make a dent. Our expert lawn friends did give us a special spray we just put on, so wish us luck!
Way to go Tommy, and you!! Sometimes harder on us the parents to give up the pacifier--they are just so nice! Good work on the turkey--very impressive meal.
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