Samantha Jean at three months
I have really enjoyed Samantha as a newborn. She is so sweet and content most of the time. She loves to smile and move her arms and legs a million miles an hour! She is definitely a skinny bean but we love her chicken legs!
I cannot take credit for these beautiful and amazing pictures. My friend Sarah here and Indy worked her magic.

Love them all--she is absolutely gorgeous!!
Wow!!! Sooooo cute!!!
What a darling baby! I can definitely see that she came from the same mold as the other two! I hope Kassie loves kindergarten! What a fun time for ya'll!
Love, love, love these pictures of Samantha! Such a beautiful little thing she is. And I love the pics of Tommy and Kassie too in their first day of school pics!
I love the pictures and that sweet, beautiful baby girl of yours!
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