Septmember Ends
Oh hi, everyone! What have we been up to? Well, I don't know exactly what we have been doing, but we have been busy. Actually I do know, we've been driving around town taking kids here and there, back and forth. I knew it was going to be a year full of driving! Poor Samantha gets the shaft and sleeps in the car most of the time. Tommy sneaks in a nap once in a while too.
Speaking of sleep, what's that?? I keep asking myself if I'm ever going to get a full night sleep again! If it's not Samantha it's Tommy waking up in the middle of the night.
Samantha can go about 6 hours at night and that is it! I told the doctor about this and how it's crazy that she can't go longer and her reply was, "Oh, 6 hours, that's really good for her. She needs to eat." Great....sigh.... OK, I say. Some day, my son won't have to ask me why I have purple things under my eyes. Luckily I have great under eye concealer.
On to other cute and more important things, like this adorable little baby girl who is 4 months old. You can't tell by looking at her chubby cheeks but she's moved up from 10% in weight to 25%. She is exactly the same weight and height as Kassie was. Like I said, Skinny Bean #2. She is so smiley and happy. She always wants to see what's going on and doesn't want to miss a thing. I love it how every one's voice gets an octave higher while talking to her. Oh and can you believe that hair! Seriously, so cute!

Oh, love the photo update--what a doll! She does have great hair and we welcome any skiny bean #2 of course. Hope Tommy and YOU are getting better sleep!
She is adorable!
What a cute little girl! I'm sorry she doesn't let you sleep. This too will pass as will the purple circles. We tend to do a lot of driving too. I'm so glad our preschool is closer this year!
oh man is that little Sammie girlie cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 'em!
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