Indiana State War Museum
Downtown Indy is cool. There are historical buildings and monuments. I should also mention downtown is pretty clean. There was one random weekday the kids didn't have school, so Erika, Anna and I took the kids to the free Indiana War Museum. The museum was down in the basement of this incredibly tall and skinny building. Unfortunately there wasn't an elevator so we had to use some serious muscle to carry two double strollers and one single stroller up and down a ton of stairs. We were the only ones there, which is a good thing when you have two sets of one year old twins, another one year old, a 7 year old, a 4 year old and a 5 year old. Most of the time the kids ran from thing to thing. I'm not sure if they learned anything. At one point Anna tried to read one of the plaques to the older ones. She probably read two lines before the kids were already running to the next thing. Afterwards, we went across the street to the monument. The weather was nice! The little ones tried to fall into the water while the older ones ran around in circles playing chase.

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