Tommy's 7th Birthday
Tommy turned 7 on February 23rd, 2014 which was a Sunday. Tommy was the first one up that freezing cold morning. He asked if he could open his presents early. So, just Lee and I watched him open his presents. He requested an Oreo cake and the Skylanders Giants Wii game. It's always a good thing when you can make birthday wishes come true. Grandma Karen took care of the Skylanders part and making an Oreo cake was quite easy. As you can see from the picture, the weather was still freezing and snowy so we went to church and they played his new Lego Creationary game when we got home.

Tommy is a really good kid. He loves basketball, extra positive compliments, playing outside, riding his bike and Nutella sandwiches. He can be pretty intense about things though. We're learning that he's a perfectionist and highly aware and concerned about what others think of him. These qualities can definitely be amazing but can also cause difficulties. The move from Indiana to Rochester was probably the most difficult for Tommy. He's not that into change and he really liked his best friend and neighbor Taiyo in Indiana. Tommy excelled academically in first grade. His classmates called him "The Writing Machine". He's always had really great handwriting and developed a niche for writing stories this past year. In Math he was really good at geometry and taught the class how to make a geometric shape with blocks and then draw it. I know I'm biased but his shape was by far the best.
We love Tommy so much and we are glad he's part of this family.
We love Tommy so much and we are glad he's part of this family.
I love that Tommy boy!
He looks so big! Man, I miss your cute family!
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