Hello Arizona!!!
The kids and I made it to Arizona safely without any problems. The kids were pretty good on the plane but I won't lie, I was glad to be done with flying. We stayed with my parents until Lee and his dad arrived. The kids were so excited to see their new home.
July 17th, 2014

Jennifer was so kind and watched JD for a couple of days while we unpacked. Unfortunately, JD got a bad case of hand and foot from the plane and gave it to his cousins. Poor JD, his skin was covered in sores and was pealing. He looked horrific.

Grandma Karen came to the rescue.

The kids found a few creatures around the house, outside luckily.

Our neighborhood has a fantastic pool right off the golf course.

We went to Out of Africa up near Flagstaff. It was so hot!!!!! We definitely got a taste of the Arizona heat.

We also got to spend time with cousins.

June and July are monsoon months in Arizona.

July 17th, 2014

Jennifer was so kind and watched JD for a couple of days while we unpacked. Unfortunately, JD got a bad case of hand and foot from the plane and gave it to his cousins. Poor JD, his skin was covered in sores and was pealing. He looked horrific.

Grandma Karen came to the rescue.

The kids found a few creatures around the house, outside luckily.

Our neighborhood has a fantastic pool right off the golf course.

We went to Out of Africa up near Flagstaff. It was so hot!!!!! We definitely got a taste of the Arizona heat.

We also got to spend time with cousins.

June and July are monsoon months in Arizona.