Saying Goodbye to Friends

The Peck-Creech kids lived down the street from us. The kids played well together and were similar ages. Sy, Violet and Harlen.

My running partner Emily was one of my best friends in Rochester. We served in nursery together and she made me feel welcomed.

Emily's little boy Nathan was JD's little buddy. They are only a few weeks apart.

The Merkleys!! We loved the Merkelys. Their three girls were the exact same ages as Kassie, Tommy and Samantha.

Kassie isn't in the picture because she was said to say goodbye!

Kassie and Julianna were so much alike, smart, goofy, love of reading, beautiful and different.

We went to the pageant in Palmyra. Abby and I got along really well. Too bad they can't move to Prescott.

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