Tuesday, April 10, 2012

St. Patrick's day Parade

The B&O Trail

Behind our neighborhood is a paved trail that has a perfect place off the path for kids to explore and throw rocks. One Saturday, we went together as a family. We discovered Samantha was a SERIOUS rock/stick/throw anything in the water type of kid. We had to make sure and keep one hand on her skirt so she didn't fall in!

Tommy's Mom's group

Tommy has had a great year in his Mom's Group Preschool! He's loved it and I've loved what the other moms have done! They've had so much fun but have learned so much.

For my last month, we did the human body. We talked about bones this day and each of the boys took turns being the doctor, the assistant and the patient. I think they each liked being the patient the best!

This picture cracks me up. We talked about healthy and unhealthy foods. We did a blind taste test. The ace bandages came in handy! What's even more funny is that they asked why the bandages stunk so bad. Little did they know, those bandages have wrapped many knees and ankles.

Lee's birthday

Lee turned 33 on 3-3! He was in desparet need of socks so each of the kids gave him a pack. I know! Boring! Let's face it! We're practical. Maybe Lee can get the IPad he really wanted for Christmas!

Samantha's Shenanigans

The Classic: Mom's lipstick

Yes, that is a snowman that lights up in her onesie!

Taking having a fit to a new acrobatic level!

The Classic #2: Eating dirt!

I'm not sure what to call this one!

Hmmmm powder and a black couch, not a good combo!

As you can tell, we spend a lot of our time cleaning up after Samantha but she does keep us laughing!

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