Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Strawberry Picking

Ellie and Kassie are saying cheese for the camera just in case you were wondering.

Kassie thought strawberry picking was pretty exciting this year, as opposed to last year when all she wanted to do was follow a grasshopper she found. This time she figured out that if you pick them you can eat them and they taste really good. She ate more strawberries than I can count and had more on her face and sweater than I care to admit. While we were paying for our 6 lbs.(yes, I know that sounds like a lot but they're only $1.23 a lb and they're oh sooooo good) of berries, a few people made the comment of " Oh, I think someone ate a few strawberries today". Well, what did they expect from a 2 1/2 year old, right!


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