Sunday, October 5, 2008

Our trip to Louisville

We took a day trip down to Louisville, Kentucky to visit the temple and to see our friends the Mathis' from medical school. Trevor and Raven were great hosts. They took us to the Louisville Slugger Museum, which was very cool. It wasn't until after we got to the museum when I casually asked Raven how many times she'd been to the museum and she said, "oh, four"!! See, I told you they were great hosts. I'm pretty sure they've had a lot of visitors lately.

We were able to see baby Vaughn too. The last time we saw him was when he was two weeks old. He's really cute and such good baby!

Tommy acted like a crazed baseball fan. He would run around and say, "ball..hit.. fast..boom!", all while swinging his arms back and forth.
Here he is saying "boom".
Kassie is becoming quite photogenic lately.
A visit to the Slugger Museum wouldn't be complete without a round of balls in the batting cage! Look at this guy, what a "Little Slugger"!
Kassie did pretty well herself. She got right in and smacked those balls.

Did you think Lee was really going to pass up a chance to hit a few balls? I don't think so! He needed to check and see if he still "has it"!


Anonymous October 5, 2008 at 9:33 PM  

We loved seeing you guys and are super excited for Thanksgiving!

Cicero was so happy to have some attention all his own too! Kassie is such a great little "dog mom."

I can't believe how big they have gotten and how much they have changed in just the few months since we all left C'bus!

J.R. and Meg +3 October 7, 2008 at 10:34 PM  

I must say, you guys are lucky to live close and get to hang out when you go for Temple trips. Fun museum and going a million times goes with the territory of living there--I think we may do the same with the Alamo. Look at Tommy go though--might be a natural like his dad!!

Anonymous October 8, 2008 at 4:54 PM  

So, does Lee still have it?

I can't believe how big Tommy is getting!!

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