Sunday, October 24, 2010

More October Stuff

I love this picture so much because it reminds me how sweet and cute this guy can be. He never wants to wear a tie but he said he could put it on for a picture just this one time.
I helped put on a baby shower for my new friend Lauren who's husband is an Intern in Lee's program.

Kassie has been taking Flat Stanley where ever we go. She was chosen by our neighbor to complete a Flat Stanley project. ( It's based on a book, just in case you were wondering)

We find Samantha in funny places because she has learned to roll all over the place.

That's it, nothing too exciting. Lee went to Denver this past weekend for a class. We had our Primary Program. It was wonderful. I love to hear the Primary sing. There is something extra special about it. Samantha is starting to sleep a little better and I can't forget to mention how nice and warm the weather has been.
Good stuff!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Samantha is 4 months

If you give a baby rice cereal................

They're going to want toe jam to go with it!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Kassie turned six years old on 10/10/10. Can you believe it? We celebrated Pokemon style. Well, kind of! Kassie LOVES Pokemon and wanted a Pokemon party. I did the best I could since I am clueless when it comes to Pokemon and she often let's me know that. Both Lee and I talked her into inviting a few friends to Chuck E Cheese instead of a huge party here at our house.
On Friday I picked up the Kindergarten girls from school and we headed to Chuck E Cheese's. It was perfect. I didn't have to worry about much and what kid doesn't like Chuck E Cheese.

Sunday was the 10th, so I got ambitious and made a homemade Red Velvet cake which was a birthday tradition in family growing up. (Now I know why the icing is sooooo good.) We invited our neighbors the Unos over for cake and sang "Happy Birthday" to the Kassinator!

Kassie Facts
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite foods: Watermelon, cheese pizza, apples
Favorite movie: How to Train Your Dragon
Favorite cartoon: Pokemon
Favorite book: Harry Potter and Indian in the Cupboard
What do you want to be when you grow up: A Mom
Hobbies: Read, swim, ride bikes
Who's your best friend: Yamana Uno
Favorite scripture story: Daniel in the lion's den
Favorite thing to do at school: Math station
Favorite thing to do at church: Doing activities in class
What do you like about having a brother: Playing Bakugan with him
What do you like about having a baby sister: She's fun and I love to help feed her baby food
What do you like about living in Indiana: The fun Children's Museum, the zoo, parks, and there are lots of nice people here.
What's your favorite season: Summer because it's the season of school break

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Just Because

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Septmember Ends

Oh hi, everyone! What have we been up to? Well, I don't know exactly what we have been doing, but we have been busy. Actually I do know, we've been driving around town taking kids here and there, back and forth. I knew it was going to be a year full of driving! Poor Samantha gets the shaft and sleeps in the car most of the time. Tommy sneaks in a nap once in a while too.
Speaking of sleep, what's that?? I keep asking myself if I'm ever going to get a full night sleep again! If it's not Samantha it's Tommy waking up in the middle of the night.
Samantha can go about 6 hours at night and that is it! I told the doctor about this and how it's crazy that she can't go longer and her reply was, "Oh, 6 hours, that's really good for her. She needs to eat." Great....sigh.... OK, I say. Some day, my son won't have to ask me why I have purple things under my eyes. Luckily I have great under eye concealer.
On to other cute and more important things, like this adorable little baby girl who is 4 months old. You can't tell by looking at her chubby cheeks but she's moved up from 10% in weight to 25%. She is exactly the same weight and height as Kassie was. Like I said, Skinny Bean #2. She is so smiley and happy. She always wants to see what's going on and doesn't want to miss a thing. I love it how every one's voice gets an octave higher while talking to her. Oh and can you believe that hair! Seriously, so cute!

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