Sunday, July 8, 2012

Racccon Lake Year 2

Camping!  I wish I could say that I love camping!  I am going to be honest and admit it's not my favorite!  Now, don't assume it's because there are nasty bugs, hissing raccoons, smelly outhouses, or lots of dirt!  No that's not it at all, it's the bedtime issues that come with a non-sleeper 2 year old that does it!  It didn't help that we had quite the "young" (meaning: I am really inconsiderate and think no one else besides me exists) camping crew across the way from us.  They were so loud and kept snapping sticks and breaking branches and screaming and laughing.  Why didn't I bring ear plugs?!  Next time!
Ok, we did have a great time with our friends which made up for the horrid night sleep we all got!

The kids and I got there early and were the first ones there. Samantha was the expert stick collector .
She followed Kassie around and did all she was commanded to do!
Tommy was so ready for a nicely cooked hot dog by the fire.
The kids ran around like crazy animals. They played games and got super sweaty.
The next morning we went fishing. Kassie looks a little disappointed and impatient here but did end up catching the only fish of the day.
Tommy's just very smiley here because he got his own bag of Cheetos!
Samantha, Samantha, still in her pajamas picking up rocks and eating dirt! Gotta love her!


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