Thursday, November 29, 2012

A 1,000 pounds

The day after Samantha was born, I told Lee that we needed to have one more baby.  He basically thought I was delirious and was suffering from lack of sleep!  As time went on and Samantha grew I still thought we should have one more.  I know, I was crazy!  Samantha was a terrible sleeper and third year of residency was by far the hardest but I wanted to what was right.  I wanted to follow the prompting I had. 
So, here I am pregnant with number four!  Swollen, puffy, large with child, cooked, done, ready, you name it!  The name of the post comes from Tommy.  I heard him say to Lee, "Dad, mom's tummy looks like it weighs a 1,000 pounds."  I had to laugh because it does look and feel like it's a 1,000 pounds!  At 27 weeks I told the OB I felt this baby was really big.  Sure enough, I was measuring 3 weeks ahead!  Other than feeling huge, having people stare at my belly, and the faces people have made when I tell them I'm not due until December, there are some perks of measuring ahead/having a huge mammoth baby and that is the 3D ultra sounds.  (They wanted to keep an eye on him and monitor his growth.) I have enjoyed watching him grow!  His face is adorable.  I am grateful everything has been ok with this little, I mean big guy. 


Jayne November 29, 2012 at 11:57 AM  

You look awesome! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. This little dude is going to be a joy...just watch. And I bet he's going to come early. At least, that's what I am praying for, for your sake. xoxo

Lindsay Adams December 6, 2012 at 2:34 PM  

I love you, Katherine. That's one lucky peanut you're growing.

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