Saturday, June 8, 2013

Lee's Residency Graduation

Lee's Residency Graduation was the night we were looking forward to for five long years. 
  There was a nice dinner and a speaker who was fun to listen to. (They usually are long and boring)
Each resident gave a little speech when they accepted their award.  Lee was a little teary eyed when he thanked everyone for their help and support while he was taking care of his family when JD was born.  I am so proud of what Lee's accomplished.  He's worked long hours and sacrificed so much to live his dream of becoming an Orthopedic Surgeon. It was a nice night and Lee and I said, "Well, the days are long but the years are short.  Now it's onto Fellowship."  One more year to go. 
Fellow five year wives. Kim, Holly, Jenny, Me, Meredith  
Resident husbands. Ryan, Matt, Justin, RJ and Lee
 Me and Lindsay.  On the night of the graduation dinner for the past couple of years, Lindsay would come over and I would do her makeup.


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