Thursday, August 1, 2013

Summer Days in Rochester

Can you say snake wrangler?!  Catching snakes was a summer highlight for the kids.  The neighbor kids would join in on the fun too.  I think they caught a total of 7 snakes.
This is Fang.  I think he's the one who said hello to me the first day we moved in.
We saw Turbo at the dollar theater and the kids came home and raced snails.  You can't see, but they wrote numbers on the shells.
I do need to add that Samantha loved to catch slimy nasty slugs and play with them.  gross!
We made s'mores on the grill on night.  You can see the tarp in the background and that was for the tent that Lee had to set up.  Kass and Tom were thinking they wanted to have a campout in the back.  It turns out they came in because they heard strange noises after about 10 min in the tent.
Downtown Rochester after eating at Dinosaur BBQ. 
 Celebrating Lee finishing the Boards at Wings Over Rochester. 


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