Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Indy Visitors and Palmyra

 Every summer Palmyra, New York puts on an amazing performance called the Hill Cumorah Pageant.  The production is about the Book of Mormon and it's HUGE.  People from all over come to the pageant.  Becky and her girls came from Indy because Becky's aunt was in the performance.  It was awesome because we were able to meet up with them and spend the day touring the church history sites.  It rained for part of the time but luckily the sun finally came out.
 Cousin It

By the end of the day, Samantha was a mess!
Sacred Grove  

Afterwards we were all hungry and thirsty so we stopped at a local restaurant.  The kids had their dreams come true.  They had the most sugar filled dinner they've ever had!


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