Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Freezing your tooshie off

This past winter in Rochester has been "the worst winter Rochester has seen in over 20 years".  That's what natives here have said.  It was bitter cold with wind chills in the high -20's and lots and lots of snow.  Lee and I did a lot of shoveling!  I kind of don't want to shovel snow for a very long time!
The kids only missed one day of school because the city is amazing at keeping the roads clear.  Here is a picture of them waiting for the bus when it was -25degrees.  Luckily the bus picks them up right in front of our house.   
 Samantha only had preschool two days a weeks so we were home.....A LOT!  We just had to be creative!  Here is Sam J playing animal preschool with her stuffed animals. 
 Yes, we stayed in our warm pajamas past noon and probably all day! And we didn't do our hair.
 Samantha would feel brave only once in a while to venture out in the snow.  It was almost too cold to play in it and Sam has issues with certain parts of clothing that are essential to playing in the snow, like snow bibs and socks and underwear.
JD had his first hair cut.  The Lyle Lovett do wasn't looking so good.  

Samantha and I would snuggle in my bed with the mini heater blowing on us.  She only fell asleep once but we loved snuggling.
 Honestly, the kids watched a lot of TV this winter.  I'll be the first to admit it!  Netflix can be a very bad thing.

I chopped off my hair and it was completely unplanned and out of the blue.  (Winters like this past one can make you do crazy things.) 


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