Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We Emerged

Yes, you did read that right, we did emerge from our long winter slumber about a week ago. It was only for ONE afternoon but we'll take it. When it's forty degrees out and you haven't seen the sun in months, it calls for some serious running around in the backyard like crazy people with cabin fever! It doesn't matter if the ground is super muddy and there are dishes to do, you HAVE to make the effort to go outside. So, that is what we did. The kids had a blast.

Here's what Tommy thought about being able to go outside!

Kassie thought it was just too bright outside, so she had to get her sunglasses!

It's going to snow another 6 inches tonight so we're gearing up for another "stay-in-your-house and-don't-go-anywhere-week"!


Anonymous January 29, 2009 at 8:32 AM  

You can feel the excitement in those pictures! How fun!

Jayne January 30, 2009 at 11:42 PM  

Keep in mind that your winter is as our summer when you have to stay inside or you'll melt. The pool feels like a warm bath, the open door a giant hair dryer. Extreme heat? Freezing cold? No one wins there. But you guys looked like your brief excursion was well worth the wait.

Uncle Johnny February 15, 2009 at 5:38 PM  

tommy looks like a mini-me. He is a cutie

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