Sunday, November 21, 2010

International Festival

On Friday, Kassie's school had a International Festival. There were tables set up representing different countries. Each kid got a passport and was able to travel around to the different countries. Our neighbor Yukiko represented Japan. She probably had the coolest and most detailed table. She folded over 12o small and intricate Origami's. Her daughter Yamana, let Yukiko use all of her Pokemon as part as the set up. Kassie was drooling over all different Pokemon. The festival was very fun and it was such a great idea.
I don't know what it is, but both Kassie and Tommy think it's the neatest thing that our neighbors are from Japan. They let people know their neighbors speak Japanese and are from a different country. I often let Tommy ride the scooter in the front while I unload groceries and such but come to find out, he has been knocking on Yukiko's door just to say hello. I love the fact that we have wonderful people living next door to us. I hope the kids can look back and remember the good times we spent out front playing with the Unos.


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