Sunday, January 16, 2011

Christmas 2010

Lee and Tommy went to Lowe's to pick out a tree on a very windy night at the beginning of December. I'm just glad Lee was able to go because strapping a tree to the roof of your car when it's 5 degrees or lower is what you call painful in my opinion!

Every year Christmas tree decorating is the same! Kassie does most of the hanging and Tommy does most of the hanging in the wrong places.

When my friend Raven came up to visit from Kentucky, we went to the museum to see Santa. Tommy has yet to sit on Santa's lap. I don't know what it is but right before it's Tommy's turn, he runs away screaming no!! Maybe next year!

The Ortho group had an Ugly Christmas Sweater party this year. Lee grew a mustache as you can see. He didn't win the contest but two of the other residents were kind enough to place a bet/challenge. The bet was, Lee would NOT shave his stache for a week and keep that very handsome hair style to go with it. I must say, he made it the entire week. He thankfully was able to shave it Christmas morning.

These are our new friends the Dockters, Lindsay and Eric. He's a first year in Lee's program and yes, he's Dr. Dockter!

Lee's parents came out for Christmas this year!! They made the 28 hour + drive from Arizona to see us!!! Brenda brought a gingerbread house for the kids to assemble. I like this picture because it shows Kassie still eating the candy after I said no more and Tommy sulking because I said no more candy. There comes a point where you must say stop because it's 9 o'clock in the morning and you know in a half an hour they're either going to say their tummy hurts and/or they'll be running around like wild maniacs. Right?! I know, I'm sooo mean!

For Christmas Eve dinner I cooked this year folks! Last year we had hot dogs if I remember correctly! Sorry the lighting is so bad! Oh, and may I bring your attention to Lee's lovely facial hair. He smiled like that on purpose just to remind us it's there!

On Christmas morning we had to WAKE the kids up because Lee was on call. Yes, he had to work on Christmas. Sad, I know but someone has to do it!

Kassie got her Fire Breathing Dragon she was longing for.

Tommy got a really cool dragon fortress that makes scary noises and lights up.
Samantha was sleeping but she got a few toys too!

Grandpa Ed got to learn all about Pokemon and who is a fire type or water type and who evolves into what. (Don't ask! It's complicated. Just ask Kass, she'll give you the run down!)

Lee was on call on Christmas, so we took a big pot of Chicken Tortilla Soup down to the hostipal for Christmas dinner.

Seriously, that can't be comfortable! Tommy ALWAYS falls asleep in the car.

I went sledding with Kassie and Tommy. Brenda also came along to watch. It was cold, bumpy, and fun.

(photo by Bethany)


Vaughn Mathis January 17, 2011 at 9:45 PM  

Looks like you guys had a super fun Christmas! Thanks again for letting us spend some time with you! :)

ps... love the stash Lee... lol

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