Friday, November 22, 2013

The last Thanksgiving in Ohio

Over the past 10 years while Lee has been doing his training, we have been fortunate to live within driving distance to my Aunt and Uncle in Canton, Ohio.  We have spent many Thanksgivings there eating lots of turkey and Stampin' it Up!  Since we're moving back to Az this summer, we spent our last Thanksgiving with them.  The weather was horrible (it was the beginning of the "great polar vortex) and the roads were pretty scary but we made it safe and sound.  We love A. Who and Uncle Fud!  They have been like our surrogate parents.
This is a great time to introduce our lovely and incredible long driveway.  I think I'm going to have nightmares about how terrible it has been to shovel the dang thing.  I do need to add that it slopes down at the bottom creating a snow pile up at the end.  It's great!
This was the day we left.  I shoveled it three times.  Lee had a sprained ankle at the time, poor him.  No poor me!
Look at all that snow.  All you Az friends and family, it's not as pretty as it looks.
We saw a few cars on the side of the road and even a huge semi that had jack knifed but lucky we didn't have any problems.
The kids thought it was too exhausting to see all of the snow. 
My cousin brought her dog over and Kassie was so happy to take charge and "train" Gracie!
We love the Ohio Hecks!  And the kids loved Jayden their 11 year old second cousin Jaden.  I don't have his picture here but Samantha still talks about him.


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